Getting to this point of my life has not come as easily as
expected. Upon completion of college as an undergrad, I had the
same expectations as each of my classmates, unaware that reality was about to
make a striking appearance in my life. Like mentioned before, no matter how
many applications I completed or job interviewed I went on, getting a full-time
teaching job seemed nearly impossible in today's world. It was so
disheartening, watching very few people I graduate with receive positions
(mostly out-of-state) or give up on education all-together to work retail because, at least,
the income was steady. Throughout it all, I tried to keep one thing in mind..
"Don't Quit!" Trust
me, sometimes I really wanted to - especially with all of the
debt from my student loans coming to the forefront of my mind.
"Just get a full-time job making an actually livable paycheck".
But unlike most of my friends, I knew if I did end up quitting, I would never be happy OR satisfied. As discouraged and angry as I may have felt, I knew deep down that I couldn't waste the passion I have for teaching. During this difficult experience, I tried my hardest to stay
positive and remember that everything happens for a reason. Come back to find out where this mind-set led me...
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